Monday, August 1, 2011


Syukur Alhamdulillah...terima kasih Ya ALLAH..xtau nak cakap camne lagi dah bila dapat job tu...dgn 2 kali interviews, finally aku
dapat keje dgn JICA...
cuma kene quit from gov laaa...

Mr Hafiz : Cik Nurul, 1st of all I would like to congratulate u because u have been
                   chosen for the job.
Me : TQ so much En Hafiz..Alhamdulillah.
Mr Hafiz : so did you accept the offer?
Me : Gulp (xtau nk jawab ape)...Yes or No...
Mr Hafiz : Its ok...i'll let u think 1st then u give me the answer
Me : TQ En Hafiz...give me 1 more day to think and I'll call u back tomorrow
Mr Hafiz : Ok, discuss and think first and let me know ya later.

Then, da whole night keep on asking my parents and my friends opinion :

Abah : Abah xkisah...un keje mane2 pn xpe..janji enjoy...
Mak : Ntahla...bagus gak sbb nnti mak ade kawan tapi sayangla kene quit from gov.
abg ayie : ayie rasa better stay je sbb dh tetap..
Julie : Accept je un
Alin : Bestnye un...ade vacancy lagi tak?..hahaha..
Kak Aisha : Accept is all about gambling...

Finally, my same question goes to
my beloved hubby :

my hubby : accept it dah xlarat nk travel ari2, mama...
(sebak dgr n terus i've got final decision)...
lagipun dkt 3 tahun die berulang...
rasanya mmg patut i lak sacrifice something tuk dia...

Lagipun i totally xenjoy la dgn keje mmg byk sgt bnda i learn through it...

So, terus wat preparation,
buat surat,
return back all the enforcement stuff (sobsob),
pay 1 month salary (sbb short notice) and
finally my ID card...


i dah pun kat MJIIT, UTM Jalan Semarak...
distance from my hubby's office = 5 minutes only...
everyday dapat sembang dgn mak abah...
everyday ride gi keje dgn hubby...
everyday dapat buat keje yg i suka...
i have a nice boss...
very great working environment...
lovely officemate...
this is just what i want..

TQ ya ALLAH for giving such a great opportunities...beside BETTER OFFER (hehehe)...

my family is the most important part in determining the decision to quit from Gov...

rezeki semua dari ALLAH...kite perlu berusaha tuk dapatkannya..

i totally believe on that.